Zságer Balázs Unveils Ambient Masterpiece “Aqua Obscura”

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Zságer Balázs - Aqua Obscura | Songlens Music Magazine

Release Date: April 12, 2024
Check out Aqua Obscura here: Album Link

Budapest, Hungary

Zságer Balázs, a visionary figure in the Hungarian electronic music scene, released his debut solo album, “Aqua Obscura,” on April 12, 2024. Known for his work with the band Žagar, Balázs introduces an ambient exploration of water’s mythical qualities that promise to captivate his audience.

Exploring the Mystical Properties of Water

“Aqua Obscura” dives deep into the folklore and mythology surrounding water, drawing from ancient Hungarian tales, Nordic legends, and Pagan myths. Each track is crafted as a journey through mystical waterscapes where the lines between the real and the surreal blur, inviting listeners to an auditory experience that transcends the ordinary.

Collaboration and Sound Innovation

In this album, Zságer Balázs collaborates with vocalist Dorina Takács (Дeva), adding a layer of ethereal vocals to the ambient soundscape. Balázs’s approach to music production for “Aqua Obscura” involved extensive experimentation with both classic analog synths like the Arp2600 and modern modular synthesizers, resulting in a sound that is both nostalgic and avant-garde.

Personal Connection and Inspiration

For Balázs, water is not just a theme but a personal symbol of wisdom, strength, and creative flow. He shares, “Water symbolizes the continuous flow of creativity. Sometimes it pours abundantly and other times it trickles, but it always seeks unity and harmony within the universe.” His connection to water extends beyond the studio, as he is an avid swimmer, finding physical and spiritual replenishment in water.

Artistic Multidimensionality

In addition to the album, Balázs has ventured into directing with the music video for “Sötét Víz” (Black Water), a single from the album filmed at the striking Seixal beach in Madeira. The video reflects the album’s deep connection with water, highlighting its mysterious and artistic qualities.

“Aqua Obscura” will be available for streaming on Spotify and other major platforms from April 12, 2024. Fans can also follow Zságer Balázs on Instagram to stay updated on his latest projects and performances.

With “Aqua Obscura,” Zságer Balázs not only cements his place as a pioneer in electronic music but also invites his listeners to explore the profound impact of nature’s elements on human creativity. This album is poised to be a critical and sensory triumph, a testament to Balázs’s enduring passion and innovative spirit in the realm of music and beyond.

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