TaniA Kyllikki: The Heartfelt Journey of “I Struck Gold With You”

"Experience the raw power of love with TaniA. This passionate individual
TaniA Kylikki - I Struck Gold With You | Songlens Music Magazine

Check out I Struck Gold With You here: Single Link

TaniA Kyllikki, the British indie sensation, has captivated audiences worldwide with her soulful voice and profound storytelling. With her latest single “I Struck Gold With You” making waves, TaniA sat down with us to discuss the inspiration behind her music, the challenges she has faced, and her journey as an artist.

Q: Can you tell us the story behind your upcoming release? What inspired it?

TaniA Kyllikki: Unconditional LOVE!! That’s what inspired my song. There is no greater feeling in the world than being completely loved for all that makes you who you are. I go through a lot with my health and my husband has stood by me through it all. And he pushes me to keep going. He believes in me and just wants me to be successful and achieve my dreams. Working with my husband on music is such a magical experience, I’m so grateful to him for all that he does for me. I’m also very grateful to everyone who supports me as an independent singer-songwriter; that’s such a blessing to have so many people around different parts of the world supporting me.

Q: How would you describe the sound and style of this new project to someone who has never heard your music before?

TaniA Kyllikki: My song, “I Struck Gold With You,” is a heartfelt tribute to love. It has a fusion of modern pop with soulful R&B that envelops listeners in an embrace of authenticity and tenderness. My song is full of emotion about a deep love that has grown in a relationship despite the odds of being long distance, and all the health battles I’ve personally faced while still pushing to achieve my hopes and dreams. I cried while recording “I Struck Gold With You,” I felt so many emotions, good emotions running through my mind as I thought about the last 10 years of my relationship with my husband Rynellton. And I hope the lyrics in my song make others feel that same feeling in their own journey of love.

Q: What challenges did you face during the creation process of this release?

TaniA Kyllikki: It’s well documented online that I’ve been suffering with my health since birth. And last year coming into this year has been rough. I kept having one kidney infection after another that went sepsis a few times and put me in hospital. I’ve been on antibiotics since September 2023. This was all caused by autoimmune treatments suppressing my immune system so much, it’s been hard for my body to fight infection. So much was put on hold for over six months. “I Struck Gold With You” actually wasn’t even part of my upcoming second album, “Free-Spirited.” It was created while I was curled up on the bathroom floor crying in pain from yet another kidney infection. My husband came to the UK for three months to look after me. And he was so amazing and never complained. He made me feel so loved. That’s when the lyrics and vocal arrangement came into my mind. Due to my health, I wasn’t fit to travel so I recorded the audio at home in my bedroom setup. I then filmed the music video myself using my low-budget lighting and a selfie stick. I was sweating and shaking between takes and had ice packs and a fan going to try and keep my cool. I was still fighting another kidney infection and losing blood. So my husband could also hold me up in case I felt weak and passed out, which happens a lot to me, he turned his body to face me and I ended up just singing the song in his ear. It was such a beautiful moment to shoot my video with my husband and to feel so safe and loved in the process. It’s been challenging, and even now I’m still going through things with my health and unfortunately my husband is back in the States now, has been since February this year. But the music is what brought us together in the first place and we both want to inspire others to never give up. And that’s yet another layer to the meaning of, “I Struck Gold With You.”

Q: Is there a specific track or element in the release that holds particular significance to you? Can you share more about it?

TaniA Kyllikki: My favourite part is when my bridge comes in leading towards the final chorus at the 1:49 mark. It’s in that moment that my husband is holding me up in the music video knowing I’m not feeling well and I was worried I wouldn’t be able to finish. Then he tells me, “I got you, just keep singing.” I felt so many beautiful emotions in that moment and the lyrics to my song hit even harder. It’s a very powerful moment at this part of the song that I think many people will feel a connection with for their own relationships.

Q: How has your music evolved since your last project (or since you started if this is your debut work), and what have you learned along the way?

TaniA Kyllikki: “I Struck Gold With You” really wasn’t a planned release. It was spontaneously written in the moment of what I was going through, and now it’s become my most popular release in such a short time. We actually originally had another song from my album that was going to be released in February, and a plan for me to travel to the States to film a music video. But me getting sick and the money we lost due to that meant that couldn’t happen. My previous single in 2023, “In These Eyes,” really brought out the creative side in me. It’s one of those songs that’s so out of the box… and I love that. My husband featured on this and produced the music. The story behind that was that he was in a creative mood and said, “Baby, I’m gonna play with my keyboard for a bit,” and I said okay, I’m actually writing a new song myself. Now bear in mind, he is in the States and I’m in the UK at this time and we had no idea what each other was gonna create. But when he shared with me the music track he came up with, I loved it, and my lyrics I wrote fit perfectly. So I asked him to add Egyptian pop elements with a hip-hop beat, we ended up combining a mix of genres in the song and it actually worked and received great reviews in magazines etc. for our outside-the-box approach. My first album I wrote, “Why Chapter One,” released in 2022, was more of a therapeutic experience for me. I’ve suffered a lot of abuse and survived a lot. But my second upcoming album, “Free-Spirited,” is more of a musical adventure. I’m having so much fun, just being as the title of my album says, Free-Spirited. I feel like I’m coming into my own as a singer-songwriter and I’m loving this music journey I’m on.

Q: The music industry is constantly changing. How do you feel your new release fits into the current music landscape?

TaniA Kyllikki: To be honest, I have never released music to fit in with the industry. I’m not a sheep and I never will be. I’d rather be the one to set a trend, I’m not interested in copying one. I’m an outside-the-box creative singer-songwriter. An oddball, I guess some may call me. I create and release songs that I want. And everything I do comes from the heart and soul. If I ain’t feeling it, I’m not doing it. I keep it real, and I’m always open to expressing myself to the fullest via my music. There have been major artists who were very successful with their outside-the-box creativity. Prince was one of them. And that’s who me and my husband are. We live in the moment and allow the music to flow out of us for whatever moves us in our spirits.

Q: Collaboration can be a significant aspect of music production. Did you collaborate with anyone on this project? If so, how did these collaborations come about, and what did they bring to the table?

TaniA Kyllikki: Me and my husband Rynellton are the team on my music releases. The chemistry between us is out of this world. My husband produces the music and works with me in the recording process to suggest things. My part is writing the songs, arranging the vocal arrangement, recording my parts, and doing my own photos, videos, and other things. We are a strong team together on both my first album, “Why Chapter One,” single releases, and my second upcoming album, “Free-Spirited.” I have collaborated in the past; me and DJ Jo-Paulo put out a remix of my song, “Remix Me,” that did really well. And I’m open to other collaborations, just the timing has to be right.

Q: Visual aesthetics often play a crucial role in an artist’s identity and how their music is perceived. Can you talk about the visual elements associated with your upcoming release?

TaniA Kyllikki: I think given how natural and intimate my music video for “I Struck Gold With You” was with me and my husband together in a video for the first time, people knowing we are a team, I think it helped make the song feel more intense. So yeah, I think it’s always nice to have a visual with a release; it can definitely make you feel more connected to the song and the artist.

Q: Live performances are a unique way to connect with your audience. Do you have any plans for gigs or tours following the release? What can your fans expect from your live shows?

TaniA Kyllikki: We originally had a plan for me last year to travel to the States for three months earlier this year to do a mini tour. However, my health took a turn for the worse and that’s been put on standby for the moment. I’m hoping and praying I will be able to do all me and my husband originally had planned, including shooting some music videos in the States. It’s always challenging with me because I can faint at random. But I’m holding onto my faith and really miss being out performing live, it’s actually when I shine the most. So I’m praying and keeping positive energy that this will happen.

Q: Music can be a powerful platform to convey messages or support causes. Is there a message or theme in your upcoming release that you hope listeners will grasp?

TaniA Kyllikki: For me personally, as someone who has been abused in the past, I never stopped loving and believing in true love. What I hope people get from my song is that love is so beautiful, so powerful, and when you find that love, to be loved unconditionally for everything, flaws and all, someone who is always there for you, believes in you, encourages you, cares for you, listens to you. And this doesn’t have to be just about romantic relationships. My song can be about a close friend, a family member. And given some of the reels I’ve been tagged in with people and their pets, it can relate to the love people feel for their pets as well. I have a cat called Precious, and she always knows when I’m not feeling well and she will just lay beside me and place her paw on me. I’ve also been tagged in reels with people just hanging out with friends having fun. So it’s a song that has many layers to it, anyone can relate to my song in one way or another.

Q: How do you hope this release will impact your career? Where do you see yourself in the music industry after its release?

TaniA Kyllikki: My hope is that I am able to reach even more people around the world. I’m already so grateful to everyone who has streamed and viewed and shared my song, “I Struck Gold With You” on many platforms. I’m also grateful to the many radio stations and magazines, and blogs, who have been supporting my song. It’s been incredible to watch it rise like it has in such a short time. It brings me so much joy in my heart that a song created out of pure love has been the one to touch so many people around the world so quickly. And I hope one day, me and my husband are blessed to have my songs placed in movies and TV shows. That’s the next goal. I believe that anything is possible.

Q: Finally, for fans and new listeners eager to explore more of your music, how can they stay updated on your work and upcoming releases?

TaniA Kyllikki: Firstly, thank you so much for this incredible interview! I really appreciate you guys so much for talking with me and asking me these incredible questions.

And I want to say thank you with all my heart to everyone who has been supporting me as an independent singer-songwriter. You are all my family and for anyone else who’d like to join my family, I’m all over the internet on many platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Spotify, etc. Just type in “TaniA Kyllikki” and you’ll find me.

My official website will also be live soon, taniakyllikki.com.

Yes! I do have another single coming soon. I’ll be putting updates on my socials for this. There will be more single releases throughout the year before my upcoming album, “Free-Spirited,” is officially released. All updates on this will also be posted on my socials and official website.

All my love to you all and may you be blessed in every aspect of your lives. Love TaniA Kyllikki. XOXO


TaniA Kyllikki’s journey through music and life is a testament to resilience, love, and the power of authentic storytelling. Her latest single, “I Struck Gold With You,” is not just a song but a heartfelt tribute to the enduring power of unconditional love. As she continues to navigate the challenges of her health and the music industry, TaniA’s spirit and talent shine brighter than ever, inspiring fans around the world. Keep an eye out for her upcoming releases and join her on this remarkable musical journey.


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