Rush’s Alex Lifeson and Geddy Lee Reunite for Private Jam Sessions

Alex Lifeson and Geddy Lee of Rush have been playing their songs together, but not for fans. They have no plans to tour or perform as Rush again.

Alex Lifeson and Geddy Lee, the iconic duo from the legendary rock band Rush, are back at it again. However, this time, it’s not for the fans, but for their own ears only. In a recent interview, Lifeson revealed that he and Lee have been playing Rush songs together, but not for the purpose of touring or performing live.

Since the band’s final tour in 2015, both Lifeson and Lee have been keeping busy with their own projects. Lifeson has been focusing on his new band, Envy of None, while Lee has been working on his solo album. However, amidst their individual endeavors, the two have found time to reunite and play Rush songs together.

But don’t get too excited, Rush fans. This private jam session is strictly for their own enjoyment. Lifeson explained that they have no intention of touring or performing as Rush again. He stated, “We’re just playing for fun. We’re playing some Rush songs together, but there’s really no plans to do anything with it.”

Lifeson also opened up about his post-Rush life and how he has been adjusting to the change. He admitted that it has been a difficult transition, but he is grateful for the time he has now to focus on his own music. He said, “It’s been a bit of a struggle, but I’m really enjoying the freedom of not having any commitments or deadlines. I can just do what I want to do.”

When asked about the possibility of a Rush reunion, Lifeson made it clear that it’s not something he is interested in. He explained that he has no desire to go back on the road and perform the same songs over and over again. He stated, “I don’t want to tour again. I don’t want to go out for months and months and play the same songs every night. It’s just not appealing to me.”

Despite not wanting to tour, Lifeson expressed his gratitude for the fans and the impact Rush has had on their lives. He said, “We had an amazing run and we’re so grateful for the support of our fans. But at this point in our lives, we’re just enjoying playing for ourselves.”

So while a Rush reunion may not be in the cards, fans can take comfort in knowing that Lifeson and Lee are still playing together and enjoying the music that brought them together in the first place. As for the rest of us, we can only hope to catch a glimpse of their private jam sessions someday.

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