Izzy Pingrey on ‘Roots,’ Growing Up, and Making Music with Her Dad

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At just 17 years old, New York City-based indie artist Izzy Pingrey is already making a name for herself in the music world. With a sound that blends indie rock, singer-songwriter sensibilities, and nods to 80s and 90s influences, her music offers a refreshingly authentic take on the teenage experience. Her latest single, Roots, is a reflective track that explores the complexities of growing up, serving as the first single from her highly anticipated sophomore EP.

We sat down with Izzy to talk about her creative process, what inspired Roots, and what it’s like making music with her dad, Arthur Pingrey, a producer and composer. With a mature voice and an emotional depth that belies her young age, Izzy is an artist to watch as she continues to grow both personally and musically.

  1. Your new single ‘Roots’ feels deeply personal. Can you tell us what inspired the song and what it means to you?

Roots is definitely a very personal song for me. It’s sort of a love letter to my younger self, looking back on those moments when you’re just starting to realize how complicated life can be. Growing up comes with so many mixed emotions—you feel excited about the future, but there’s also this sense of loss as you leave behind the simplicity of childhood. I wanted Roots to capture that bittersweet feeling, because it’s something I think a lot of people can relate to, whether they’re my age or looking back on their own experiences.

  1. You have a very mature sound, especially for someone your age. How do you balance having a perspective rooted in the teenage experience while also writing songs that feel wise beyond your years?

I think it just comes naturally. I’m still very much in the middle of the whole teenage experience, so that perspective is always there in my music. But I’ve always been drawn to deeper themes and ideas, and I think that comes out in my songwriting. I’m always trying to express emotions that feel real to me, even if they’re complicated or hard to pin down. I listen to a lot of older music, too—stuff from the 80s and 90s—and I think that helps me see things from a broader perspective.

  1. What was it like working on this new EP compared to your debut? Did you approach the writing or recording process differently this time around?

With this EP, I felt more confident in what I wanted to say and how I wanted to say it. My debut EP was a great learning experience, and I’m really proud of it, but with this one, I wanted to dig a little deeper and push myself creatively. I think my songwriting has evolved, and recording with my dad again made the process feel really comfortable. We have a great flow when we’re working together, and I think that comes through in the music. This EP is definitely more personal and introspective than the first one.

  1. Speaking of working with your dad, what’s that creative process like? How do you balance the father-daughter dynamic with the artist-producer relationship?

It’s a really special experience, honestly. We have a great relationship, and working together on my music has brought us even closer. When we’re in the studio, he’s my producer and I’m the artist, so we keep it professional, but there’s definitely a lot of trust there because of our personal connection. He knows how to get the best out of me creatively, and I think I push him too in terms of trying new things and experimenting with different sounds. It’s a unique dynamic, but it works for us.

  1. You mentioned earlier that you’re influenced by music from the 80s and 90s. How do those influences shape your sound, and what other artists inspire you?

I’ve always been drawn to music from that era—it just has this emotional rawness and authenticity that I love. Artists like The Cranberries, Alanis Morissette, and even Fleetwood Mac have been big influences on me. I love how they’re able to blend vulnerability with strength in their music. I try to bring some of that same honesty into my own songs. Of course, I’m also really into more modern indie artists like Phoebe Bridgers and Clairo, who are doing amazing things in the indie and singer-songwriter space right now.

  1. Your debut EP received a lot of positive attention on Spotify and YouTube, and it seems like you’re building some real momentum. How does that feel, and what’s it like navigating the music industry at such a young age?

It’s definitely exciting! I didn’t expect my debut EP to get the kind of attention it did, so it’s been really cool to see people respond to my music. At the same time, it can be a little overwhelming to navigate everything while still figuring out who I am as an artist and as a person. But I’m really grateful for the opportunities I’ve had so far, and I try to just take it one step at a time. Having my dad involved helps a lot, too—he’s been in the industry for a while, so he gives me great advice.

  1. What do you hope listeners take away from ‘Roots’ and the new EP as a whole?

I hope people can connect with the emotions behind the music. Growing up is such a universal experience, and even though Roots is a personal song for me, I think the feelings of change, nostalgia, and figuring out who you are are things everyone goes through. Whether they’re going through those changes now or looking back on them, I hope listeners can find something that resonates with them.

  1. Lastly, what’s next for you? Do you have any plans for live performances or more new music on the horizon?

Definitely! I’m really excited about the new EP, so I’ll be focusing on promoting that, but I’m also writing new material all the time. I’d love to start doing more live shows as well, especially once the new EP is out. Performing is such a different experience from recording, and I can’t wait to share my music with people in that setting. There’s definitely more to come!


Izzy Pingrey may be young, but her music shows a depth and wisdom that is rare for an artist of her age. With her new single Roots offering a reflective look at the complexities of growing up, Izzy proves that she’s not just a rising indie star—she’s an artist with something important to say. As she continues to build on the success of her debut EP, it’s clear that this is only the beginning for Izzy Pingrey, and we can’t wait to see where her journey takes her next.

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