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A pioneer of fusing jazz with Latin, rock, and improvisation, the Neil C. Young Trio is all set to release its next volume of the “ReWorks” series. New to the label, it will be the label’s second release by the Neil C. Young Trio: a project called “ReWorks Volume 2” The new EP joins previous volumes in re-envisioning the classics of jazz fusion into bold new contexts, which the band dubs “Action Jazz” and “Grunge Fusion”.
“ReWorks Volume 2” goes on to redefine with great intensity the perimeters of conventional jazz, turning and welding the established hooks and patterns of each song. All its new remixing challenges, in turn, the listening experience, while at the same time its new set of sounds and textures gives them novelty and expands to bring on an interest in hearing.
The Trio seems to kind of energize a big selection of songs
• “A Mouse That Lived In A Windmill In Old Amsterdam” changes from the more standard 1965 novelty song into a very lively, samba style of the song that gives it lots of Latin verve.
• Olly Murs’ “Troublemaker” not only introduces the pre-chorus riff as a central theme but also complicates the existing interaction of its parts, producing an increase in the dynamic range of the song.
•”What’s Going On?” by Marvin Gaye ingeniously reimagines in 6/8 time to offer a kind of off-kilter rhythm to match the song’s questioning lyrics.
• Gabrielle Aplin’s “Miss You” carries its lyrical post-chorus into the introductory chords, as well as a recurring riff in a new structural backbone holding instrumental solos while setting the stage for the dramatic outro. Indeed, each track on “ReWorks Volume 2” is but one further piece of evidence to represent the dedication that the Neil C. Young Trio has toward musical innovation and an example of their brilliance for style-blending in order to form something that is uniquely fresh.
It’s not just a bunch of tunes. This is a progressing educational trip through the field of all possibilities of jazz-fusion. With the release date now less than a month away, the Neil C. Young Trio appeals for listeners interested in hearing these classic tracks reborn through fresh, inquisitive eyes. “ReWorks Volume 2” is assuredly a very important release to jazz lovers throughout the world, whether that passion is of long-standing or relatively recent declaration.